Caleb J. Wang

CS Ph.D. @ Northwestern University

About me

Hi there, welcome to my personal webpage.

My name is Caleb Wang, I'm a second year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Northwestern University, where I work with Prof. Fabián E. Bustamante as a member in AquaLab. I received my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Master's degree in Communication Engineering, both from National Taiwan University. I worked briefly as a customer engineer at Microsoft, Taiwan before joining Northwestern in 2022.

My research interest generally lies in Network Measurements, where I try to understand underlying characteristics of the Internet by measuring and observing performance of the network. Currently I am conducting a cross-layer analysis of network level measurements and the infrastructure beneath to understand Internet consolidation at the physical level.

During my spare time, you can find me brewing (decent) shots of espresso, banging my head against music, or writing unnecessarily complicated Javascript for simple websites like this one.

Recent news

Oct. 2023
Our work on Intercontinental Long-Haul Links is appearing in SIGMETRICS. Read the paper here!
Sep. 2023
I will be attending SIGCOMM this year. Feel free to say hi!
Dec. 2022
Our work on Twitch's CDN mapping appears in AINTEC.
Sep. 2022
Excited to start my Ph.D. journey at Northwestern University.